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Kilroy Was Here: American Humor from WWII

SKU: 102596


ISBN-10: 0786885742
ISBN-13:  978-0786885749 
AUTHOR: Charles Osgood
PAGES: 188
FORMAT: Softcover

An inspiring collection of humor writing from World War II is edited and introduced by one of America's most respected broadcast journalists. From the best of "Stars and Stripes" magazine to classic lines from the immortal "Mister Roberts", this compilation celebrates the good humor that buoyed American spirits throughout the war.


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Kilroy Was Here: American Humor from WWII
AF Museum Store

Kilroy Was Here: American Humor from WWII

ISBN-10: 0786885742
ISBN-13:  978-0786885749 
AUTHOR: Charles Osgood
PAGES: 188
FORMAT: Softcover

An inspiring collection of humor writing from World War II is edited and introduced by one of America's most respected broadcast journalists. From the best of "Stars and Stripes" magazine to classic lines from the immortal "Mister Roberts", this compilation celebrates the good humor that buoyed American spirits throughout the war.
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